Past Workshops
Framatome installs 3D-printed fuel at Ringhals 4 Nuclear Engineering International The project, which began in September 2024, aims to confirm the integrity of anti-debris filters manufactured using 3D-printing under real conditions. |
Westinghouse’s Additive Manufacturing Innovation Improves Safety and Efficiency in Operating Nuclear Reactors Westinghouse This industry-first milestone increases bottom nozzle debris resistance from 65% to 96%. |
Gaps Progress Report Available: America Makes and ANSI Publish Standardization Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing PR Newswire The progress report provides updates on standards, research, and conformity assessment activities; it also captures suggested modifications to existing gaps and notes additional gaps to be considered for future roadmaps. |
Westinghouse Produces 1,000th Additive Manufacturing Component for VVER-440 Fuel Westinghouse AM reduces production costs and lead time while achieving the highest industry safety standards. |
Full-size SMR demonstrator completed using novel welding tech Power Engineering International Sheffield Forgemasters has completed a full-sized Small Modular Reactor (SMR) nuclear vessel demonstrator assembly, using Local Electron-Beam Welding. |
Embracing the Promise of Additive Manufacturing for Advanced Nuclear Reactors IAEA Imagine printing a nuclear reactor core — or nuclear fuel pellets — in 3D. It may sound far-fetched that 3D printing could create materials robust enough to withstand the extreme environment of a nuclear reactor, yet that is what many experts believe is necessary to accelerate the deployment of advanced reactors and maximize nuclear energy’s contribution to tackling climate change. |
Framatome installs first 3D-printed stainless steel fuel component at Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant Framatome Framatome has completed installation of the first 3D-printed, stainless steel fuel component at the Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant, operated by Vattenfall in Sweden. In collaboration with KSB SE & Co. KgaA, the ATRIUM 11 upper tie plate grids were designed, manufactured, and installed in Forsmark Unit 3 for a multi-year irradiation program. |